CLP Training
2 June 2023 to 1 July 2022
Learn at your own pace with our dedicated CLP Training carried out on our behalf by Chemical Legislation Professionals Ltd. CLP is an intensive and complex subject that really does require more than 2 days to learn so, in conjunction with Chemical Legislation Professionals Ltd (who presented our previous 2-Day CLP Training Courses), a new format has been designed, breaking the subject down into modules and is available on a flexible ‘e-learning’ basis so that individuals can learn at their own pace. This new format permanently replaces our previous 2-Day CLP Training courses and is available to all CBA members at a discounted rate
All round the world, it is accepted that the chemicals we use in the workplace can pose a hazard to the health of those at work and those affected by that work, as well as a danger to the environment. The CLP system in the EU and GHS across the world is used to determine the hazards and communicate them to users. This online training will show how the CLP Regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008) is used to classify hazardous substances and mixtures, and produce labels. It will provide training to allow accurate classification from first principles, the communication of that classification – labels, SDS and allow candidates to be able to answer in-depth legislative questions to ensure compliance
For further details and to book your place, please click on the following link to be taken to the CBA Members page on the Chemical Legislation Professionals Ltd website
CBA Member pricing is as follows:
Gold Subscription (with live tutorials, full competency certification) – £79.99 + VAT per month, annual subscription (so for 12 months and then can be renewed), or a one off payment of £959 + VAT (12 month access). Price is per person
Silver Subscription (no live tutorials, awareness certification) – £50.99 + VAT per month, annual subscription (for 12 months and then can be renewed), or a one off payment of £611 + VAT (12 months access). Price is per person
If you have several people who wish to complete this training, please ask CLP Ltd about any quantity discounts available
It is not expected that individuals will take 12 months to complete the course, instead the annual subscription allows access to the resources for a full 12 months to enable individuals to go back through modules if necessary and/or get updated information