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Chemical Supply Chain Award Winners 2024

Chemical Supply Chain Award Winners 2024

28 November 2024

Royal Armouries, Leeds

The CBA’s Chemical Supply Chain Awards Night


We are delighted to announce the winners and highly commended of the CBA’s Chemical Supply Chain Awards in the drop downs below! On the right, we also have a winners badge that you can download and use to celebrate your achievement.

We had a tremendous number of high calibre entries which made our Judging Panel’s job a little harder to whittle the numbers down, so if you haven’t won this time, thank you very much for your entry but please do not be disheartened, It really was a difficult job to decide, and you can always try again next year!

Thanks you to everyone who attended, and we hope that you had a good time. Thanks also to everyone who entered the raffle, and congratulations if you won on of the prizes. The proceeds of the raffle will go to “Breathe Arts Health Research”  our charity of the year. Click here to learn about the excellent work they do combining creativity and robust scientific research to improve health and wellbeing.

Check out our pictures from the night! Click on a picture to see the full size image.

Logistics Services Member of the Year

Winner – Grace OverseasGrace Overseas - Taking Global Solutions Personally

The panel were in total agreement that Grace Overseas ‘punching above their weight’, going above and beyond the call of duty in demonstrating their passion and leadership within the sector made them a worthy winner.

Highly Commended – Bowker Group & DSV Air & Sea

The judges were particularly impressed with two of the entries and whilst not outright winners, they felt that both Bowker’s and DSV’s clear investments in the industry, their staff and future sustainability warranted that they were highly commended in this category.


Distributor/Manufacturer Member of the Year

Winner – Nordmann UK

Nordmann were chosen as the winners as the judges felt they had the best all round submission and they particularly liked their clear strategy of investment in people. The evidence of their trusted partnership with suppliers and customers secured them the win.


Affiliate Member of the Year

Winner – Tiro Training Ltd

People and skills are an important part of any industry and in their entry, Tiro clearly demonstrated how they have worked with companies within the chemical supply chain, both large and small, to develop an apprenticeship programme that focuses not only on recruitment of staff but also the development and the retention of existing employees. Tiro’s industry leadership was clear in both their Impact Report and their 2023/2024 apprenticeship[ course programme  “Let’s tackle the Chemicals industry skills crisis together.”

Highly Commended – Hibiscus Plc

Hibiscus were highly commended for their commitment to the chemical supply chain, with industry leadership and a clear growth policy.

Sustainability Award

Winner – Grolman Ltd

The award goes to Grolman, whose holistic approach to sustainability stood out to the judging panel. Grolman has shown that sustainability is embedded in every aspect of their business operations. Their clear objectives, proven achievements, and efforts to go above and beyond expectations were exemplary. The judges were especially impressed by their internal and external collaboration, carbon fluency workshops, focus on Scope 3 reductions, and the innovative approach of doubling volume per delivery.

Highly Commended – DSV Air & Sea

Their office refurbishment initiative highlighted a strong commitment to social responsibility in the local area and the domino effect this has made across the business. The judges were particularly impressed by how DSV has thoughtfully integrated sustainability into their day-to-day operations, such as providing CO2 optimization for customer journeys and enhancing company travel efficiency.

Wellbeing Award

Winner – DSV Air & Sea

The Judges were impressed with DSV’s commitment to wellbeing within their organisation, which was demonstrated through their resources, thinking and approach. Creative ideas were backed up by policy and became part of the company’s culture which went over and above standard compliance.



Made A Difference Award

Winner – Brian Taylor (Grace Overseas)

The Judging Panel felt that Brian’s dedication to this project, the personal time spent behind the scenes and as coach to build the club etc, and the longevity of his involvement made him a worthy winner. The judges were also please to see that this project fits in with E.D.I (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) aspects working with girls of all ages (Inclusion) without any detriment to boys (Equality).

Highly Commended – Jay Barnes (Airedale Group)

The panel was impressed by Jay’s dedication to helping a wide breadth of charities and his ability to encourage others to help. It was not the amount of money he raised that made the difference but the longevity of his commitment and range of charities that showed dedication.

Highly Commended – Lisa McLaren (Brenntag UK & Ireland)

Lisa stepped up when needed and in a one-off selfless act showed courage to take her training in CPR and help a total stranger in their time of greatest need, she also had the strength of character to involve passers-by to aid her.

Highly Commended – Georgia Llewellyn (Univar Solutions)

The panel was impressed by Georgia’s dedication and passion for sharing her experience with the next generation and the breadth of projects etc undertaken both in a work and personal capacity.


Lifetime Achievement Award

Winner – Sarah Taylor (Grace Overseas)

The Judges commented that Sarah was the recipient of this award due to her broader industry impact, outstanding leadership through crises, and her role in expanding her company and promoting best practices within the chemical industry which was commendable.

Highly Commended – Lorraine Burke (DKSH UK)

for her long-term dedication, operational excellence, and ability to adapt to challenges, which made her an essential yet often behind-the-scenes contributor to her company’s success.

Highly Commended – Maria Kelly (Tennants Distribution)

for her leadership and mentorship at Tennants, her efforts in breaking barriers for women in the industry, and her significant contributions to the company’s growth and culture.

Young Person Award

Winner – Erin Scott (Brenntag UK & Ireland)

Erin impressed the judges with her remarkable self-awareness, maturity, and strong people skills.

Before joining Brenntag, she was unfamiliar with the sector, but since then, she has shown tremendous career progression and a commitment to learning. Erin is passionate about sharing her lived experiences to inspire others and highlight the career opportunities within the sector. Alongside her professional growth, her volunteer work is equally commendable. Humble and driven, Erin has the potential to achieve anything she sets her mind to and will excel in any path she chooses. Huge congratulations Erin.

Community Engagement Award

Winner – Airedale Group

The panel were blown away by the scope of Airedale’s engagement with their local community, from supporting local schools with STEM initiatives and sports equipment, to donating defibrillators and improving local parks and arts centres. Their ongoing contributions also include funding for the local Manorlands hospice, empowering youth through charitable programs, and dedicating extensive time to local environmental preservation.

Highly Commended – Tennants Distribution

Tennants Distribution was highly commended for its commitment to community engagement, exemplified by initiatives like local green space cleanups and sponsoring a women and non-binary football league. Through volunteer efforts and supporting diversity and inclusion, Tennants show a strong sense of pride and belonging among both its staff and the local community.


Responsible Care Awards

Winner – Alfa Chemicals

The judges were impressed by Alfa’s impressive variety of initiatives, each guided by several of RC’s core principles, reflecting Alfa’s holistic approach to continuous improvement.

Highly Commended – Meade-King, Robinson & Co

The panel was impressed by MKR’s outstanding commitment to community engagement, demonstrating a clear focus on making a positive local impact.


Responsible Care Awards

Winner – Tennants Distribution

The judges were impressed by the directors’ strong commitment and detailed efforts across ongoing improvements, including significant strides in product stewardship.

Highly Commended – Airedale Group

The panel highlighted Airedale’s exceptional dedication to community engagement, which stood out as a key strength in their deployment of all eight guiding principles.

Responsible Care Awards

Winner – DSV Air & Sea

The panel commended DSV’s alignment of Responsible Care principles with their own community, sustainability and employee welfare initiatives, displaying an impressive and ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.

Highly Commended – H W Coates

The panel was impressed by Coates’ extensive efforts toward HSSE improvements, with a particular focus on local environmental sustainability and biodiversity initiatives.



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